Rana Hammeer of Ranthambor
July 13th, 2003 Amongst Rajputs the name Hammeer has extraordinary weight power and significance. It is a name to conjure with.
July 13th, 2003 Amongst Rajputs the name Hammeer has extraordinary weight power and significance. It is a name to conjure with.
Column for 6th July 2003 This story is about [Rana] PratapÂ’’s ancestor Hammeer winning back Chittor (Chittaudgarh) for his clan, the Sisodias. Hammeer started his reign by forbidding the growing and harvesting of crops in his realm. Chittor and Mewar became an area without income, profitless and untenable. The Dillee SultanÂ’s fief holder, Rao Maldeo… Continue reading How Rana Hammeer Won Chittor
29th June 2003 A theme that occurs again and again in Mewar (Meywaad) history to provide for tales of heroism and panegyric is based upon the fort of Chittor (Chittaudgarh). Its capture and recovery were matters of great consequence in the history of India.